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Academic Publications

I hold a PhD in English (Rhetoric and Composition) from Georgia State University. My dissertation explored the intersections of autism rhetorics and literacy, and I also wrote for several scholarly journals and academic publications.


Journal Articles


“The Coexistence of Faith and Rationality: An Examination of Agnostic Rhetorics in Bram Stoker’s Dracula.” Journal of Dracula Studies. November 2017.



“Inclusion for the ‘Isolated’: Writing Tutoring Strategies for Students with ASD.” Praxis: A Writing Center Journal. July 2017.


GSU: Guide to First-Year Writing. Chapter 12: “Archival Research and Writing.” August 2016.


“Alleviating the Summer ‘Monkey Mind.’” Literacy & NCTE: The Official Blog of the National Council of Teachers of English. NCTE, July 2016. Web.


 “Anxiety and Technology in the Classroom: Identification and Solutions for Multimodal Inclusivity.” Digital Rhetoric Collaborative. Gayle Morris Sweetland Center for Writing, June 2016. Web.


Book Chapters



“Programs and Evaluations: Student Profiling.” Co-written with Margaret Price. Handbook of Violence in Education: Forms, Factors, and Preventions. Ed. Harvey Shapiro, Wiley Blackwell. May 2018.


GSU Guide to First-Year Writing (textbook)

Chapter 7: “Writing About Visual Images” co-authored with Diana Eidson, Charles Grimm, and Ryan Pine. Summer 2017.


Book Reviews


Autistic Disturbances: Theorizing Autism Poetics from the DSM to Robinson Crusoe, by Julia M Rodas. Review for Disability Studies Quarterly. Summer 2020.


Contingent Faculty Publishing in Community: Case Studies for Successful Collaborations, Edited by Letizia Guglielmo and Lynée Lewis Gaillet. Review for Journal of Teaching Writing. Winter 2018.

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